Wednesday, November 26, 2008

A quick note...

I fear that my days are being filled with the rantings of randoms [As opposed to this area being filled with random rants]. As such, when I get home, I'm ready to go to sleep. Hence, no photos.

I have been taking a photo each day, and will do my best to upload asap. I'm very disappointed as I had intended to not only take a photo every day, but share it same day as well. I will endeavour to get more sleep, and get back on track.

Incidentally, if anyone is interested in seeing any photos R and I took while on holiday, please let me know. I don't want to bore those not interested. A comment here would be appreciated.

Too sleep deprived to be sincere,
Agnes. The Real[TM] one.


Ma E said...

I would Luuuuuuvvvvvv to see the photo's from R & yours holidays.
Luv from the mother of them all

Jessie Mac said...

Oh yes please, I want to see them too. I vote you have a slide night with cucumber sandwiches and tea.

Anonymous said...

dont want holiday photos but would LOVE to know if you have a better quality photo of this picture at the start of your blog:

thanks in advance!

Agnes Stone said...

Ma E: Do you want any of the travel photos printed? Difficult to answer given you haven't seen many yet... Hmm.

BINAC: It's your turn to bring the fish paste.

Anonymous: I do have a better quality photo of TrashHag. It is difficult to take a crisp shot of a stencil on a garbage bin though, so it does still look a little blurred.