Wednesday, November 26, 2008

"There's something fishy about those pommes frites"

While imitation may be the sincerest form of flattery, would you really choose imitation brandy over the real thing after a hard days night? Imagine!

Today, it seems, a dentally challenged gent/gentile walked the poplar lined paths of the global village in my shoes.

No. Not a drag queen.



Yes, possums. An imposter. Agnes Phoney attempted to sell the following item:

Apple MacBook Pro 15" 2.53GHz - 4GB - 320GB
Signed by Agnes J. Stone - Loved and treasured by all who know her.

After a delightful chat with the chap at eBay, my account has been restored to its former glory. I do not however take kindly to miscreants parading in my persona. It's one thing to walk a mile in another lady's shoes, it is another entirely to force your way into her non-pants (she's not in them) and pretend you are a Duchess.

Put down that blonde wig, and don't think for a second that your tacky accent is fooling anyone, fool. *Pity*

I'm going to call Today Tonight! And ACA - BRING BACK RAY *swoon*

Sincerely synthetic,
Agnes J. Stone.

1 comment:

Jessie Mac said...

How rude! But really, nobody does Agnes Stone quite like you do.