Friday, November 14, 2008

Bring me luck, oh five leaf clover

10 Years Ago (1998):

1. I was in Year 9

2. I went on holiday to Brisbane with family

3. I invented a new excuse to avoid doing PE every prac

4. I watched Home and Away and Neighbours (Come now. I was young and naive).

5. I spent a lot of time listening to The Colour and the Shape

5 Things on Today’s “To Do” List:

1. De-puff eyes

2. Have caterpillars tamed

3. Turn to the dark side

4. Spend some time window shopping

5. Get my lomos developed

5 Things that I would do if I were a millionaire:

1. Invest to become a billionaire

2. Set up my nearest and dearests financially, as well as give to those less fortunate/worthy causes

3. Quit my job!!

4. Travel. A lot.

5. Start my own business

5 Places I have lived:

1. The Shed at the home of my grandparents

2. The house which was going to be a shed at my parents' house

3. A portaloo

4. A toilet block

5. Lego Land

5 Jobs I have had:

1. Poseur

2. Occasional 'baby sitter' for a girl who was older than me

3. Professional procrastinator (from birth year, to present)

4. Temporary Customer Service Representative, Crap Corp [TM]

5. Customer Service Representative, Crap Corp [TM]

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