Friday, August 15, 2008

China Vs. Reality: Round 2. FIGHT!


There are two things that annoy me about this article:

1) China's misrepresentation of minority groups, "ugly" children and fireworks. Computer enhanced fireworks - Not so offensive. Imposter minority children - Crossing a line. Not allowing a talented child to sing based on judgement of her beauty - Crossing a line.

The ugly truth of China's image insecurity and treatment of minority groups strikes a major chord. Actually, it tries for a chord and instead bashes the keys to elicit a noise similar to nails down a chalkboard.

2) The appalling standard of writing, unfortunately not a minority, presented in 'respectable' Australian media. Year 10 Dead Beat English students produce higher quality work than this.

Take a few 'facts' and linking words, add a splash of sensationalism and Woollahra! You've got a story.

Getting back to issue #1 and the use of children to portray something they are not... Australia committed a similar faux pas during the Sydney 2000 Olympics closing ceremony, which I feel was under reported. Nikki Webster is in fact not Kylie Minogue as a child.

I really want Chinese food, so may have to shift the boycott to pies with sauce.

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